Taking back public space from illegal advertising

Posted: 28. April 2009  Posted By: twik

Reported over at the WoosterCollective:
Jordan Seiler’s incrediblely ambitious “New York Street Advertising Takeover” became a reality yesterday, when over 120 illegal billboards throughout the city were white washed by dozens of volunteers.
NYSAT was organized as a reaction to the hundreds of billboards that are not registered with the city, and therefore are illegal. While illegal, these violations are not being prosecuted by the City of New York, allowing the billboard companies to garner huge profits by cluttering our outdoor space with intrusive and ugly ads…”
Make sure you check out http://www.publicadcampaign.com/

Photo via

Vandal Squad debate video part 3

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Ellis G and Cope 2 talks about their experiences with the Donut Squad and the pigs call graffiti a worldwide epidemic…

Barley Legal

Posted: 27. April 2009  Posted By: twik

Nice mix of footage from the Barley Legal graffiti jam, interviews with writers and good dubstep music in this 10 minute video.

Write4Gold 2009 starts this week!!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Another season of Write4Gold is about to start, the 2009 series starts in Stettin, Poland at the old Tor Kolarski stadium this coming Saturday May 2nd. You can see much more info at the Write4Gold website and possbily still sign your crew up the competition… Here is 10 impressions from my camera from previous years Write4Gold events around the globe.

Danish docu

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Looks like a little school project documentary, but features interviews with the police and the chief of cleaning at DSB.

White outlines – Do them!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Freshness over at the ILG FMK blog

Bacon burners

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Check the Bacon artpack over at GraffArt, a gallery of real nice burners.

Paulo & DJ Cars10 – Kig Dig Over Skulderen

Posted: 26. April 2009  Posted By: twik

Peep the new video for the Paulo & DJ Cars10 track Kig Dig Over Skulderen (Look over your shoulder), with vintage footage from Meeting of Styles in Copenhagen 2003.

Khal Allan photo report

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The summer made it to Copenhagen and ILG made it to the Khal Allan remixalbum release party this afternoon at Nørrebro Station. A who’s who of Copenhagen writers, musicians and funky personalities enjoyed the sun and summer, while pieces came up on the walls and music came out the portable sounds systems.

More fresh photos after the jump…

March 1st 69 riot in Copenhagen

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Video of the riots on March 1st 2009 in Copenhagen, 2 years after the clearing of the 69 Youthhouse on Jagtvej 69. 10 minutes of tagging, paintbombs against cops and the usual cat and mouse game from the heart of Nørrebro.