Secret Wars Grand Finale video

Posted: 6. April 2009  Posted By: twik

Fresh video from the Secret Wars – Grand Finale in London recently.

The winner was Hicks, full report and photos here.

Big city life

Posted:   Posted By: twik

In the middle of one of Copenhagens most notorious streets, the hooker street called Skelbækgade, a new production from Swet and CMP has appeared.

Time2Bomb updated

Posted: 5. April 2009  Posted By: twik

Copenhagen train site Time2Bomb is updated with loads of red spaceships and this nice doubledecker…

Vandal Squad debate video part 1

Posted:   Posted By: twik

This is the first episode of the Vandal Squad debate that took place at the powerHouse arena in New York.
Members on panel are Cope 2, Ellis G, Alain Ket, Ken Chiulli, Steve Mona, Joseph Rivera. Moderating the panel is Stern Rockwell – Streets Are Saying Things.
See for yourself how talentless the author of the book that spurred the debate looks when he sits and tries to read a prewritten manuscript for whats supposed to a debate, not a lecture.

Skyline alphabet

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Fat Joe graffiti interview

Posted:   Posted By: twik

We had another video of Joey Crack on ILG before, but here is a longer one of Fat Joe stading up for graffiti on a trashy talkshow.

Cope 2 and FC

Posted: 4. April 2009  Posted By: twik

Cope 2 and FC crew, from the Cope 2 video…

RBC back in effect!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Rockers By Choice, reunited yesterday, 20 years after their first album dropped in Denmark! On a horrible TV-show but with a killer performance!! Did anyone say comeback tour?

Dont Stop! Danish Graffiti 25 years Anniversary Jam!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Its 25 years since graffiti started in Denmark. Yeah, time flies and its not 1984 anymore…
And to celebrate this, there will be a big jam in the new legal hall of fame in Odense today Saturday 4th of April from 11.00. The adress of the location is Odense Havn, Vasagade, Finlandskajen. Check the Facebook event here.
Show up early if you want to paint, there should 60-80 spots available, bring your own cans, bring ladders and rollers for the free roller paint available (and mask as the spot is indoor) and best behaviour and get ready to rock it, dont stop it…

Official pressrelease for the event from Odense City Council here.
Positive newspaper article in danish about the event here.
And another article about how the event is getting 10.000 DKR in public support here.

Graffiti 25 years anniversary

Posted:   Posted By: twik

As 1984 generally is seen as the year where the modern form of graffiti came to Copenhagen and Denmark with the movie Wildstyle, 2009 is suddenly the year where graffiti has its 25th year anniversary. And even the graffiti hating local Copenhagen tv station TV2 Lorry picked up this news and had a 5 minute feature today. Lots of funny archive footage of their past antigraffiti broadcasts and a studio interview with Nikolaj Peyk aka Kyle of Whap Gang talking about himself for a few minutes…

And here is one very negative article in danish with elected public officials from Aarhus and Copenhagen condemming graffiti as a plague and the celebration of its annivesary.