The World of Kool Bandi

Posted: 25. February 2009  Posted By: twik

Jutland oldschooler Kool Bandi has a show opening at Det Bruunske Pakhus, Fredericia, Denmark on March 1st, simply titled The World of Kool Bandi. Check out his latest hiphop adventures into the world of spray on canvas…

Incognito #8

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New issue out of the swedish magazine Incognito, number 8 features 48 pages with everything Stockholm and spotlights on Nove and Beges.

Kick The Shit 3000

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Fresh trailer for upcoming Czech project titled Kick The Shit 3000 focusing on tags and throwups with that special Prague flavor…

Russian Jet Train

Posted: 24. February 2009  Posted By: twik

Here is one of the rarest trains in the world, the Russian Jet Train from the 1970’s that never made it beyond the test stages…

Graffiti Royal

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Graffiti Royal at the Alice Gallery in Bruxelles. Black paint everywhere…

Reyes & LV

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Reyes MSK painting for Louis Vuitton



Posted:   Posted By: twik

Its been on the other blogs and even on national TV before. Still this TV show about Skycops or police in helicopters is baffling when you hear that it took 30 cops and 1 helicopter an hour to catch 5 people painting graffiti on trackside walls in London that already had graffiti on them… Way to go BTP and Big Brother!

Thank you – Come again!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Molotow and Friends update

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New photos up from several writers from around the world.
Take 2 rocking Japan and flashing a new blog right here.

Stray representing on New Zealand

Hocus with the Berlin style

And Falko doing it his way in South Africa

Loomit interview

Posted: 23. February 2009  Posted By: twik

In the ILG series of interviews, we now present none other than Loomit. Second to none when it comes to activity, travelling, size of pieces or cans killed. (more…)