Mode 2 interview

Posted: 23. February 2009  Posted By: twik

Format magazine has a new interview up with Mode 2, speaking on a variety of subjects, including how graffiti and hiphop came to the UK in the mid 80’s:
“There had been this tour of DJs, writers and dancers that had happened a couple of years before, but I was still deep into Advanced Dungeons & Dragons back then, and painting lead figurines from Ral Partha with my brother, winning prizes for it against dudes in their fifties.”
Read the whole interview here.

And if you love Mode 2, here is his Facebook group.

Le-Fix tattoos

Posted:   Posted By: twik

While we wait for a new website from Franz Jaeger and Ras at Le-Fix Tattoo in Nørrebro, Copenhagen, they have a nice little Myspace site with some of their more recent work. Check it right here.

Yard 5 re-opening party

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The Yard 5 shop on the U5 line in Berlin are having a re-opening party next weekend after rebuilding their shop. Events on the weekend include airbursh show, canvas battle, live djs, special offers and much more.

Toomer and B-Real video

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Long music video or short fiction movie, Toomer teams up with B-Real of Cypress Hill for the Death or Retirement track…

More media on the new Australian graffiti laws

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The recent new graffiti laws in Australia have people from both sides speaking up:
On the pro graffiti side is The National Union of Students (NUS) national president, David Barrow, condeming the New South Wales Government’s new anti-graffiti laws as ‘reactive’ and ‘simplistic.
“When I see quality Graffiti in Melbourne that attracts tourists from around the world, see images of graffiti on the walls of the Berlin Wall, or the imaginative stencils of Banksy on the streets of a CCTV-mad London, I am reminded of the importance of self expression.”
Read the whole article here.
On the anti graffiti side is news reports like this:

Mølle – Professional Chiller

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Nice photo blog full of art, lifestyle and urban landscape from all over the planet by professional chiller Mølle…

Scope and Jaba in Singapore

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Fresh production wall recently done in Singapore by the local Scope and Belgiums best export Jaba. Check a big gallery from the wall here and below some nice highlights.

Fuckt Up Mag is back!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Legendary fanzine from Næstved, Denmark is out with another issue.
We received this cryptic info in Danish about the 152 copies available:
Fuckt up præsenterer: White Crow gallery
Råt og upoleret. Sort og hvidt. White Crow gallery, et uddrag af en historie. En ud af flere. Eksklusivt i begrænset oplag, i White Crows ånd. Uden regning uden pis og papir. Fordi man selv skal ud og finde historien, og fordi den er for god til ikke at blive fortalt. White Crow og dem der nåede at udstille der giver her deres version af historien i tekst og billeder.
Fuckt Up Prod.
Vordingborgvej 337
4700 Næstved

Canal+ documentary “Tag La Guerre Souterraine”

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Kicking of the new week with a great 1 hour documentary about graffiti in Paris. Done by the big station Canal+, this documentary has everything, interviews, hardcore liveactions, police raids and incredible footage. Even though its in French with french subtitles, the quality is great and its more interesting than your average graffiti DVD. A must-watch!

Oddies in subways

Posted: 22. February 2009  Posted By: twik

If you travel with the subway in any city you are bound to see random strange, funny stuff sometime. Here is a big gallery of really strange things, especially Moscow and NYC seems to be represented well…