Copenhagen Hall of Fame

Posted: 22. February 2009  Posted By: twik

A travel video documenting the famous Copenhagen Harbor Hall of Fame in the summer of 2002. Lots of nice legal pieces from the local heroes and Meeting of Styles 2002.

The sheriff buffer

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Meet the buffing sheriff from Sonoma County… He will tell you everything about graffiti!
Timelapse buffing, explanation of tags, throwups, pieces, vandalism, art and much more…

Retarded fire extinguisher tag

Posted:   Posted By: twik

1 fire extinguisher, 1 highway, 1 camera man, 1 tag…

Graffitage – Anti graffiti program sponsored by the EU

Posted:   Posted By: twik

If you want to know what your tax money are being spent on in the EU, they are now funding a new three year program in buff research: “Development of a new anti-graffiti system, based on traditional concepts, preventing damage of architectural heritage materials, GRAFFITAGE”, a three-year project funded by the European Commission. Read the whole article here and see the website for the project here.

Reebok graff campaign

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Oldie but goodie, Reebok let Cept, Dreph and Chum paint billboards in Central London. Nice video with nice soundtrack…

Writer falls to his death in Miami

Posted: 20. February 2009  Posted By: twik

A 28 year old writer have been killed in Miami, Florida after he fell 20 feet down on a express way and then got hit by a truck, while trying to paint a traffic sign. Full story and video here.

Write4Gold 2009 calendar

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Only a few months untill the world biggest graffiti competition, Write4Gold kicks off. Now there is an event calendar on the Write4Gold website so you can see what happens when and where. So far it looks something like this:
02.05.2009 Write4Gold Poland (Stettin/Poland)
09.05.2009 Write4Gold Italy (Rome/Italy)
16.05.2009 Write4Gold Denmark (Nykobing/Denmark)
23.05.2009 Write4Gold West Europe (Liverpool/England)
30.05.2009 Write4Gold MidEurope (Vienna/Austria)
06.06.2009 Write4Gold East Europe (Budapest/Hungary)
11.07.2009 Write4Gold Finals (Leipzig/splash!/Germany)
If you are interested in competing in the battle you can sign up here.

Australian graffiti laws ban markers

Posted:   Posted By: twik

You can now get up to 3 months in jail and $1100 fine for carrying a marker in Australia. Read the whole story here.

Going Postal book

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New book about postal stickers titled Going Postal, made by Martha Cooper. 96 pages, over 200 photos, more info here and release party today in Brooklyn, NYC.

Pictures On Walls

Posted: 19. February 2009  Posted By: twik

Pictures On Walls, a very nice site where you can buy prints by many famous artist including Espo, Mode 2 and Reas, all pictured below.