New Dalek website

Posted: 9. January 2009  Posted By: twik

The creator of the spacemonkey, Dalek, has a brand new website up including illustrations, paintings, photography, a store and a blog. Check it out right here.

Melbourne – Goodbye 2009

Posted: 1. January 2009  Posted By: lars

I usually dont like the youtube slideshows, but this one was nice… Goodbye 2009!

Happy New Year

Posted:   Posted By: twik

We are still out of the office here at ILG, but just checking in to say Happy New Year!! Hope you all had a good 2008 and that 2009 will be even better and more colorful!

Merry Xmas from ILG

Posted: 24. December 2008  Posted By: twik

To all our readers, Merry Xmas!!

Its been a crazy few months here at the blog since we started out and now its time for a little holiday. So between Xmas and New Years there might be a few updates, there might not. Time will tell. Keep sending us tips, info and feedback, its much appreciated. Thanks for a great graffiti year 2008 and lets rock even more in 2009!

Lars – ILG

Molotow and Friends complete!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The lineup of the Molotow and Friends 2009 project is complete. The last few days has brought some major capasities to the lineup.
Break, Australias finest local steel worker.

Stray, rocking New Zealand with fresh swinging styles

Serm, always making Bucharest subway beautiful

Take2, smashing everything in his way around the world

Toast, famous Swiss quality, one of the worlds best with can and a creative mind turned inside out!

See the whole lineup here and get ready for rocking in 2009!

Xmas card from Timisoara, Romania

Posted:   Posted By: twik

In the mail on this Xmas morning, all the way from Timisoara, Romania, was a nice video of one cool Xmas windowdown whole-tram, both sides! Thanks for supporting ILG with and merry Xmas!

Copenhagen Street Festival 2008 video

Posted:   Posted By: twik

For all our danish readers, check this really fresh video about Copenhagen Street Festival 2008 that included the first Secret Wars battle in Denmark. Video is shot by Rosforth, hosted by Jimmy Der’ and features interviews with DJ Shack, Jay-Bee, Sune 2thaBeat, Albert from Alis and Andrea from Copenhagen Cruise!

Chinese video

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Graffiti is blowing up in China, here is a new 2008 video from the area of Changsha, first half features a big legal production and second half is street bombing at nighttime. Enjoy!

Mortal Kombat 2 trailer

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The russian scene has a special place in the ILG hearts and this trailer looks like more and more crazy stuff is happening out east, this is Mortal Kombat 2, russian graffiti movie!

Blade – King of graff

Posted: 23. December 2008  Posted By: twik

Little Xmas special here at ILG for all our readers. Last year Blade TC5, selftitled King of Graff, visited Copenhagen to do a show, a lecture, live painting sessions and more. A one week tour of the country done in great spirit is now turning into a documentary about him, see the trailer right here:

And as a Xmas bonus, ILG was on the spot at his vernisage at Graffiti Galleriet where he surprised everyone by doing a few canvases on the spot. ILG caught it on video, here he is in full effect, getting it done, on the streets! Big up Blade!