
Posted: 20. December 2008  Posted By: twik

Im sure most of the ILG readers are familiar with legendary graffiti documentarists Henry Chalfant and Martha Cooper. But do you know who the man in middle between Lady Pink and Lee is?

His name Manny Kirchheimer and he directed the groundbreaking film Stations of the Elevated, which premiered at the 1981 New York Film Festival, documenting the subway graffiti explosion of 1977. If you dont know this classic film, go find it and watch it!
In 2008 he published a new movie titled Spraymasters, featuring Lee, Lady Pink, Futura and Zephyr and amazing unseen footage of early NYC subway graffiti. More info on the movie’s Myspace page.

Affex Ventura book

Posted:   Posted By: twik

In the world between graffiti, alternative art, homemade tattoos and hoboscribbles you can find Copenhagen based artist Affex Ventura. Always coming up with new mediums with great messages, he is hard to find, but worth looking out for. “Affex Ventura – Certain aspects of modern society are ok” is the title of his latest selfpublished work, a very interesting look into his crazy world. Distributed by himself, you can be lucky to find it around Copenhagen, in Fresh Connection, Graffiti Galleriet or at the gallery hosting his latest exhibition effort, Mohs Exhibit.

Happy birthday Cope2!!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

A living legend in the graffiti world turns 40 today. All of us here at ILG wish him a very happy birthday and we hope to see much more graffiti from his hand in the next 40 years to come!! Long live Cope2!!

Check out the cool interview with Cope2 from Molotow TV!

Risk Video Interview

Posted:   Posted By: admin

..listen to Risk, see the symphatic videointerview on Vimby, Risk about him, his work and the collaboration with Keith Harring back in the days..

Shepard Fairey does the cover of Time Magazine!

Posted: 19. December 2008  Posted By: twik

Continuing to push new ground and doing what no one ever expected would be done, Shepard Fairey did this weeks cover of Time Magazine! ‘Nuff respect from ILG to Mr. Obey, keep up the amazine work!

See all the covers of this weeks world editions here.

Merry Xmas from Copenhagen City Council

Posted:   Posted By: twik

I have just been notified that the legal graffiti area at Nørrebro Station in Copenhagen have been granted another 40.000 euro and will be extended for another 12 months, all the way through 2009. This means that the biggest succes with legal graffiti ever done by the Copenhagen City Council will live on and continue to offer free wallspace wih no questions asked for any artists wishing to express themselves.

Merry Xmas!!

Keeping it international

Posted:   Posted By: twik

We keep it international today here at ILG, with two foreign videos, a crazy one in French with very nice subway taggin footage and one in Spanish with live mural and interview.

Dandy chewing gum history

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Hailed by Copenhagen oldschoolers as being one of the most important early documents of local graffiti, a collection of the Dandy chewing gum stickers from 1985 have emerged on a blog, 43 of them scanned and ready to go worldwide. So here is the link to the Trashberry collection and a few examples… Chew and enjoy!

One more documentary

Posted:   Posted By: twik

If anyone has info about this one, please use the contact-button and send it to us.
Untill then, enjoy a realy nice trailer labelled “12oz” for an upcoming documentary about graffiti, highlighting the history in California, some good footage and interviews with Saber and Chaz among others.

Hard times for Hardknocks

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Within days of the official release of Hardknocks – The Subway Edition, the much anticipated DVD from Germany, its sold out all over Berlin and in most other locations. But it has also already been bootlegged and uploaded online. Here at ILG we urge you to keep supporting the underground graffiti media industry by BUYING the products!! But sooner or later these clips from the DVD will be all over the usual blogs and videosites anyway, so you might aswell see them here first, in bad youtube format and quality. This is 3 parts of the new DVD featuring the NYC subway. Enjoy and remember to support the creators!