Free art on Mexico City subway

Posted: 4. November 2008  Posted By: twik

In Mexico City they are not afraid of a little culture on the busy subway that transports more than 5 million passengers daily. For a price of 20 pesos you can ride the train, listen to a concert, check out an exhibition, grab a free book or see a theater group perform. Check the video here.

More Henry

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Second part of the Henry Chalfant interview is up at Philyflava, you can read it here.

We Can All

Posted:   Posted By: twik

And now back to the real deal steel stuff. This next trailer looks pretty tasty, a good dose of colorful Italian trains from the depth of the Milano subway tunnels. Hope to see the whole thing soon, its called We Can All – Vandal Graffiti DVD

Cop gets up

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Here at ILG we love to see graffiti go new ways. So the following video was received with great joy at our HQ, it turns out that even police officers in the UK are doing murals these days.

Now we are waiting for the first police wholecar to roll out of a yard…

Lee flex his skills

Posted:   Posted By: twik

One of the greatest from the NYC subway era, Lee Quinones, flex his skills in 2008 on another moving object, a Ford Flex.

Subway B-boys

Posted:   Posted By: twik

What goes on on the NYC subway? B-boying…

Hope & Cope

Posted: 3. November 2008  Posted By: twik

Hope & Cope, the people of the United States of America are voting for a new president. Here at ILG we already blogged plenty about our realistic favorite Barack Obama and Shepard Fairey aka Obey who did the infamous poster of him.
Here is another infamous american, Cope 2, Kings Destroy

5 x Fresh

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Cakes DSK from Prague, Czech Republic

Funk, Colors and the MK2

Posted: 2. November 2008  Posted By: admin

Jürgen Feuerstein from the Black Forest is one of the graff business pioneers. He invented the well known spraycans by the name of “Belton Molotow” and is the owner of the brand. We had a talk with him about his business, new products, writer teams, nitro alcyd, big markers, transformers, funk and a lot more background info of Molotow. (more…)

Seen still rocking it

Posted: 1. November 2008  Posted By: twik

A bunch of recent sketches from Seen UA, still rocking it after all these years…

And you can even buy most of these sketches right here