On the streets of Hamburg

Posted: 1. November 2008  Posted By: twik

Check out some fresh Hamburg murals and comments from the artists in this nice videoclip.

On the streets of Hamburg from sara tajariol on Vimeo.


Posted:   Posted By: admin

Juergen Feuerstein

Banksy rat raises house price

Posted: 31. October 2008  Posted By: twik

Steadily fucking up the way society works and paving new ways, Banksy is at it again.
This time its a old pub in Liverpool that has reportly doubled in value because Banksy painted a commision on it in 2004. The whole story here.

The Un-Graffiti man

Posted:   Posted By: twik

No, its not a graffiti buffer, its one of the reserve-graffiti artist doing a big mural in dirt in SF.

Next: A primer on urban painting

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Trailer for the documentary called Next: A primer on urban painting, filmed in a dozen countries worldwide with an allstar lineup of whos who in graffiti and streetart. DVD available here.

New Concrete #5

Posted:   Posted By: twik

One of the most interesting mags these days has got to be Concrete, updating the world on the trainscene in the former Eastblock. Always jampacked with photo of steel from systems you never even heard of, Concrete is always worth your money. And the new issue #5 is about to drop… Can’t wait to see it…

Banksy speaks

Posted: 30. October 2008  Posted By: twik

As recently reported here at ILG, the Banksy mural in central London is possibly up for removal. Now Banksy speaks about the mural here, and Times Magazine has a long article here about the whole case. Here at ILG we think its great that one single wall start stirr so much controversy, go Banksy!
P.S: To give a hint of how popular this mural is, just see how many pages of photos of the mural comes up on a Google Image search here

Free 2009 graffiti calendar

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The good people at Graffiti galleriet in Copenhagen have made this graffiti calendar for 2009, its free and all you need to do is download it and print it. It features the best walls from this year great graffiti project at Roskilde Festival 2008, sponsored by Molotow.
Version 1 download here
Version 2 download here
Blog illustration photos from the Rapspot coverage of Roskilde Festival.

Henry Chalfant interview

Posted: 29. October 2008  Posted By: twik

Myself, I was an artist at the time working in New York, I hadn’t lived here very long, I moved here in ’73. In the first 3 years of my riding on the trains I was watching this stuff go on and it intrigued me. You’d go down into the subways anticipating what new thing you might see more outrageous and amazing than you’d seen before, and you were often satisfied, as the things grew bigger, more interesting and bolder as time went along. (more…)

Love rolling in Paris

Posted: 28. October 2008  Posted By: twik

We always got love for Love graffiti here at ILG