Interview with Freddie Forsyth

Posted: 8. September 2009  Posted By: twik

“The aim from the beginning for his own section was to show a different style of photos to what you would usually expect from writers, we tried to get them to open up a little and show another side of their life. Will is a really talented,young photographer and his shots add something to the book which you don’t usually get from a book about subcultures,it shows the people behind it and the lives they lead.From a personal point of view, I always wanted to self-publish. I wanted to work on all aspects of the book andnot have to answer to anyone when it came to decisions about the design and content. I think that because it is self-publishedit allowed it to be a hardback and limited edition book, which adds value to it.I had a real desire to document a culture that I loved since a young age so I’m glad I’ve able to give something back to it, and hopefully the writers I grew up admiring are proud of the book.”

Read the rest of the very good interview with the Crack&Shine author Freddie Forsyth over at HYB, ILG did a translation for german readers here

Thalys goes Graffiti

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Crazy News from Cologne, Seakone has posted news on the Thalys highspeed train painting mission in Paris next week

When: On Tuesday 15. September i will spraypaint with 3 although pretty infamous graffiti/streetart colleagues the although infamous Thalys train, the Queen of European Trains!!
Where: on a red carpet in 3hours and 15 Minutes in the middle of gard du Nord Station in Paris.
Who: me/ SEAK (cologne/ germany), Jonone (paris), Sozy (bxl), and Zedz (Amsterdam/the netherlands)
What: 4 notorius European Graffiti and Urbanart Kings keeping it unreal, and blessing the Thalys Train with Fine Graffiti Art
Why: Cause we wanna go fast!! abit more then 3hours. thats the new time the Thalys needs from Paris to Köln (Cologne).

Crazy Move…More here over at

Egowar #2 Preview

Posted:   Posted By: twik

After Egowar #1 the boys from italy release the Egowar Summer Issue 2009, Subways Only, Subway Reports from Buenos Aires, Rome, Milano, London, Prague, Paris, Berlin, Philadelphia and Bucharest. Check the Preview of Egowar #2 after the Jump! (more…)

Heavy Rotation

Posted:   Posted By: twik

HUB goes CPH

Posted: 7. September 2009  Posted By: twik

HurtYouBad has a Copenhagen report up today! Check it here! Nice one Chob…

Sabers river piece RIP

Posted:   Posted By: twik

A milestone in the graffiti world is gone, Sabers legendary river piece have been painted white by authorities in Los Angeles. The state that is on the brink of bankruptcy and still spends money painting a deserted river side white?

Funky fresh Faze

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Rocking in Copenhagen

Plads til graffiti

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Video from the the graffiti battle last month in the Copenhagen area of Sydhavnen, as seen on ILG.

Rolling through Boomtown

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Backflash Naples

Posted: 6. September 2009  Posted By: twik

Ruedione, who we featured in an ILG interview recently, made a new nice video from his trip to Naples last year, Italy titled No successful…