Da Nasty Sons blog

Posted: 29. March 2009  Posted By: twik

Da Nasty Sons aka Mega and Romeo from Holland run a nice little blog with their productions, check it out right here.

Banksy buffed

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The One Nation Under CCTV mural by Banksy in central London have finally been buffed. At least the mural stirred up some debate about graffiti and art in public space as seen previously here and here on ILG.

Photo via Nerdbanite

Colors On Steel rolling by

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Ultra quick video with a Colors On Steel end to end rolling in northern Germany somewhere…

More San Francisco problems

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Another article about how graffiti is dealt with too lightly in San Francisco right here.

Chinese graffiti

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Check out the Action For Seed video with graffiti and human beatbox from China and their fresh website with lots of Chinese productions here.

Your help needed in Cape Town, South Africa

Posted:   Posted By: twik

We received the following message from Cape Town, South Africa:
“We are facing a new anti-graffiti by-law in Cape Town which takes away the house owners rights to give permission for any artworks on their walls besides a house number.
The new, proposed graffiti by-law makes no distinction between vandalism and public art that is done with the permission of the owner of the property.
Please can you assist us in our efforts to amend this by-law by signing the petition and forwarding it on…
As we need to present it to the council during the public participation process.
Thank you, here is the link and below are the details of the two points in the by-law that we would like to amend.

Mural by Faith 47 in Cape Town

Part1 in Sweden – Photos and interview

Posted: 28. March 2009  Posted By: twik

Part1 is still rocking Sweden, painting walls, doing lectures and interviews and opening his solo show at Bastard Gallery in Stockholm.

Photos by Jacob Kimwall
Check out this brandnew audio interview with Part1, along with a slideshow of nice photos, also done by Jacob Kimwall.


Posted:   Posted By: twik

Really nice video in english explaining everything about the Pixação graffiti in Sao Paolo, Brazil.

Le Tag

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New exhibition opened yesterday at the famous Grand Palais of Paris, its called Le Tag and features a selection of art made by of Alain-Dominique Gallizia, a french architect who loves graffiti.

On display is artworks of more than 150 international graffiti artists is on display in the historic museum.

Check the website for the show here.
The Grand Palais of Paris website in englishhere.
Check The Times article in english here.
Below is a short video from French TV about the show, featuring Seen and Psy.

Molotow Energy Drink

Posted: 27. March 2009  Posted By: twik

Make sure you taste one of these nice Molotow Energy drinks over the summer…