Chinese timelapse

Posted: 31. March 2009  Posted By: twik

The police hang out, then a piece is started and 5 minutes later you have the result.

Kacao77 canvas work

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Some very nice canvas work with one4all markers and ink by Kacao77. From theKacao77 Flickr

New kids on the ILG blog!

Posted: 30. March 2009  Posted By: twik

The IloveGraffiti blog world have been expanded from 2 to 3 blogs! The new kids on the blog (drumroll) is none other than the fresh funkateers from the infamous FMK crew! Check out their ILG blog right here for fresh funky photos of styles and mad music mayhem!

All City Jam Dublin – Final lineup and poster

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The poster with the final lineup for the Easter jam in Dublin, Ireland is ready. Last addition is none other than Terrible T-Kid 170 from NYC. The jam takes place at the Tivoli Carpark in Central Dublin and is put on by Dublins finest graff shop All City Records.

Copenhagen Trains 1975

Posted:   Posted By: twik

A little post for the danish readers. If you are a nerd about old trains, then this video has some pretty cool footage of Copenhagen trains and stations in 1975…

Dont Stop! Danish Graffiti 25 years Anniversary Jam!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Its 25 years since graffiti started in Denmark. Yeah, time flies and its not 1984 anymore…
And to celebrate this, there will be a big jam in the new legal hall of fame in Odense on Saturday 4th of April from 11.00. The adress of the location is Odense Havn, Vasagade, Finlandskajen. Check the Facebook event here.
Show up early if you want to paint, bring your own cans, (and mask as the spot is indoor) and best behaviour and get ready to rock it, dont stop it…

Action Painting 2nd preview

Posted:   Posted By: twik

We received a promo copy of the new Action Painting book here at ILG and since it arrived it has been very hard to put it down again. Its jam packed with traingraffiti of such a high quality you very rarely see. Sure some of the content have been printed before in different magazines, but to have it all in a collected edition like this one, with nice size photos, quotes and stories to them and amazing never-seen-before flicks, it comes of as one of those books that will be remembered for years to come.

Ekosystem has a new gallery of preview photos of the new “Action Painting” book up here or see the after the jump below.
You can also order the book at the publishers, Stylefile, for only 29.90 Euro in preorder it will be released May 2009
This is one book about trainwriting you dont want to miss!
More photos below…

Naples photo report

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Check out the latest update on Ueberdose aka Overdose with lots of trains and walls from one of the graffiti hotspots, Naples, Italy.

Mozes and the unpaid fines

Posted:   Posted By: twik

In todays edition of the major danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende there is an article about how the fine system is not working properly in Denmark. Since 2005 the fines citizens get for graffiti, vandalism and other minor offenses have been handled by the danish tax authority. And all they have done is sending out letter after letter with fines. If you didnt pay the fine, nothing happened. But now the unpaid fines will land you in jail, and about 4000 citizens seems to be going that way, just that small problem that the total capacity in danish jails is around 4000.
And the article is beautifully illustrated with this lovely photo from the DSB buff area.


Posted:   Posted By: twik

Check out Typeflash where we made this “ilovegraffiti” text. You can make your own words in many different cool styles.