S.F. has tough time prosecuting graffiti cases!

Posted: 27. March 2009  Posted By: twik

Nice article from San Francisco, read the whole thing here.
Paul Henderson, chief of administration for the district attorney’s office, said when his office brings a graffiti case to court, the lack of interest from the public can be stunning. For a recent case, Henderson said, the court had to go through three panels of potential jury members – each panel about 60 people – to find enough bodies to populate the jury box.
“They were saying, ‘This is stupid’ or ‘I couldn’t find anyone guilty of that’ or ‘This is a waste of time and money,’ ” Henderson said.

Partners Of Crime

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Kicking off the weekend with a fresh oldschool video from Berlin, this is the Partners Of Crime!

Love & Hate

Posted: 26. March 2009  Posted By: twik

Australian top dog Sirum has a show opening on May 3rd at Studio 7A in Melbourne called Love & Hate. If you are anywhere near Melbourne around then, you dont wanna miss this one!

Buffer convicted of graffiti

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New Orleans vigilante graffiti buffer known as the Gray Ghost have been convicted for illegally painting over a graffiti mural with grey paint without the owners permission. Read it all here.
Here is the question from ILG: If you paint illegally on someone else property, isnt it labelled graffiti by the courts no matter what you paint? Why is this guy getting away alot easier than other writers?? Paint is paint, permission is permission and this guy has done and admitted lots of illegal painting. Justice for all??

Tracy 168 video

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Ancient footage of the NYC subway system in the 1970s featuring Tracy 168.

Graffiti in São Paulo

Posted: 25. March 2009  Posted By: twik

A very nicely done half an hour documentary, in portuguese, about the São Paulo, Brazil graffiti scene, showing some murals found all over town. Featuring Binho, Highraff, Onesto, Nina, Ise, Eno and Gueto. Watch the movie after the jump (more…)

VNDL magazine #1

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Straight from Belgium, new magazine called VNDL out with their premiere issue featuring street culture and urban delights. Check out their Myspace here and the Facebook event here and some previews below.

Christiania webshop

Posted:   Posted By: twik

You might have heard about it, or even visited it while you were in Copenhagen. The legendary freetown area known as Christiania, with a history too long to tell here, we are lucky that Christiania is still around in 2009. Now Christiania has an official webshop where you can buy all sorts of Christiania related stuff and help support the freetown, the webshop is 100% owned by Christiania and all proceeds go straight to the Christiania communal fund. Check it out right here and get your tshirts, hats, shoes, postcards, poster, lighters and much more…

Oldschool duo

Posted: 24. March 2009  Posted By: twik

Last week Swedish oldschooler Ruskig teamed up with New Yorks oldschooler Part1 in Malmø, Sweden.


LA Graffiti Girls

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New blog project from Los Angeles, documenting the female side of the graffiti world. Check out the blog here and their first interview with female writer Jroz below.