Riding the information highway

Posted: 24. March 2009  Posted By: twik

Fresh truck spotted somewhere in New York.

ILoveGraffiti photocontest winner!

Posted: 23. March 2009  Posted By: twik

The big photocontest over at Notme’s side of ILoveGraffiti is over, below is the winner, you can see the top winners and prizes here, and you can many more great graff photos from the contest right here

Time2Bomb is back

Posted:   Posted By: twik

One of the best websites in previous years for updates on danish steel is back, Time2Bomb have been updated once again, below is a few previews and you can see much more 2009 stuff here.

Cap MPC interview

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Short interview with Cap MPC over at the Senselost blog.

JonOne exhibition at Graffiti Galleriet

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Non other than JonOne will be visiting Copenhagen soon, as he is having a show at Graffiti Galleriet opening Friday May 15th.
Danish pressrelease about the show here and more info at Graffiti Galleriets website.

This weekend looks to be a busy one for graffiti fans in Denmark as the danish part of Write4Gold goes down the following day, Saturday May 16th at Nykøbing Falster Skatehall.

Mad about graffiti

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Danish architecture critic Peter Olesen has written a mad column against graffiti in Copenhagen. The danish text can be read here in Berlingske Tidende and judging by the comments to the column Berlingske Tidende now boasts a big group of readers from Dansk Folkeparti.

If you decide to take part in his debate and defend graffiti, please keep it sober so graffiti writers end up looking less moronic than the readers of Berlingske Tidende. Thank you.

Rest In Peace Bich

Posted: 22. March 2009  Posted By: twik

Bich from the UK have passed away, he is missed dearly by family and friends. Bich was a very nice guy, fun and friendly and made the world around him alot more colorful. Rest In Peace Bich!

Lovely legal London video

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Lovely little video documentary about a legal program at Fulham court in London.

Even more Vandalsquad media

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Ok, another media roll on the writers vs wankers debate,
New York Times article here. Read it before they go bankrupt.
Cool blog here about the legality of the photos in the book and the poor writing.
Eye witness report from the debate here.
And a recap of the debate here.
We are still waiting for more video of the event.

Bombs Away!

Posted: 21. March 2009  Posted By: twik

New exhibition opening at the Strychnin gallery in Berlin on April 17th, featuring an impressive lineup of artists including SEEN, WANE, WEB ONE, CANTWO, CON, AREK, JASE, ENUE, MYTH, BIG5, REI21, SOVIET, RAMS, BASER, DAKS, SNEKE, HEWS, CAMEO, KAPUT, and KING157 showing works on canvas as well as spray-painted model trains of various sizes. Bombs Away!