More Vandalsquad media

Posted: 21. March 2009  Posted By: twik

From the recent debate in NYC between writers and former donutsquad members:
Article with cool quotes here.
Short report here.
Martha Coopers photos on her 12oz blog here.
Cope2 also has photos up on his 12oz blog here.

Rest In Peace Remo

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Remo TKO is no longer with us. The trainyards in heaven will be more colorful now. Rest In Peace!

Rest In Peace Kristian Bomholt

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Danish pro skater, Kristian Bomholt, passed away this week. He is terribly missed by family, friends and the danish skate community. Rest In Peace and ride those curbs in heaven!

Writers vs Vandal Squad

Posted: 20. March 2009  Posted By: twik

Yesterday saw the first ever panel discussion between writers and former members of the vandal squad in New York City, as previously reported here and here on ILG. The first videos and photos are emerging from the debate, check them out below.

The video starts with really bad sound, but gets better towards the end.

Even though this blog describes the debate as lame, we hope to bring more media clips from the debate as they are released.

Clash Of The Titans

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Brisbanes finest artspace, Jugglers, has a show running right now called Clash Of The Titans by two of Asutralias best artists Lee Harnden & Russell Fenn. Some highlights from the show and from the packed opening with more than 700 guests can be seen below and much more here.

Skateistan skateboard auction

Posted: 19. March 2009  Posted By: twik

Skateistan is a charity project raising money for children in Afghanistan, so they can get some oppertuneties to skate and enjoy life as kids in a wartorn country. After a recent fundraising party in Copenhagen, a series of customized skateboard decks where done by an allstar lineup of great artists, including Espo, Reas, Ash, Silencio, Hrvrk, LeFix and many more. You can see them all at this auction site, and make a bid, this is your chance to buy some great unique art and support a great cause.

Write4Gold 2009 lineup update!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Big update over at the Write4Gold site, with lots of new great teams entering the competition. Check them all out here and sign up your own crew if you think you have the skills to compete and live in a participating country.

Also, Write4Gold 2009 announced for Moscow, Russia!! It goes down June 13th in Moscow… More info here.

Another day, another urban car add

Posted:   Posted By: twik

“Wall Art” opens with an RDX parked in front of a blank wall. This same wall is painted and repainted with cityscape scenes, hundreds and hundreds of times, to animate the background behind the vehicle. The 10-day shoot for “Wall Art” used more than 450 gallons of paint and 500 cans of spray paint, resulting in more than 400 layers of paint on the wall.

Graffiti Art Magazine #6 preview

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New issue of Graffiti Art Magazine #6 coming soon, the preview looks like this:

Dare in Denmark

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Dare from Basel will visit Denmark, more precisely Næstved, on April 2nd and give a free lecture at Næstved Gymnasium at 15.00. Info via Næstved Ungdomsskole here.
Times sure have changed, there was no way that a world famous graffiti writer would ever have been able to give a free lecture on graffiti at my old high school…

By the way, check out some very cool new city maps at Dare’s Myspace page here, brings new meaning to the saying: Rocking the city with your name…