Saber interview

Posted: 17. February 2009  Posted By: twik

Interview with Saber in Inked Magazine, read it all on Sabers own blog right here.

And new print by Saber still available right here.

5 x Fresh: Eros

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Soten interview

Posted: 16. February 2009  Posted By: twik

We have a brand new ILovegraffiti interview ready for you, this time with Soten from the SSH crew.

“I want to paint all over the world, I want to get out of Copenhagen. Just travel and have fun, paint nice stuff and meet new people. There is not much more to it, I love graffiti and all the adventures it brings me.”

Read the whole thing right here…

Backspin #100

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Germanys grand old hiphop magazine Backspin has reached a milestone by just publishing their issue #100, with Puppet featured in the graffiti section. Big congratulations to Backspin magazine from ILoveGraffiti! Check out the Backspin website here and their Myspace here.

Finally a screening of Wholetrain in Copenhagen

Posted:   Posted By: twik

As one of the last places in the world, Copenhagen will finally have a screening of the graffiti feature film Wholetrain. ILoveGraffiti have just recieved information that the premiere will take place at The Danish Film Institute/Cinematheque on March 14th, at 21:45. More info about the movie at the website here, and the Myspace here.

And an international DVD version with subtitles in english and lots of other languages are being worked on for release later this year.

Ueberdose Overdose

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Thousands and thousands of graffiti photos at Ueberdose aka Overdose. Berlin is the main feature, but also lots of flicks from all around the world and an alphabetical archive with tons of writers, all found right here.

BBC report on Northampton graffiti

Posted: 15. February 2009  Posted By: twik

10 minute clip from BBC about graffiti in Northampton. You have heard the arguments from both sides before, but this one has footage of a cleaning program involving writers on community service.

War 4 trailer

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Upcoming DVD from California, titled War 4, lots of crazy bombing footage and features of Toomer, Cope2, Sever, Buket and many more… War 4 website here.

More legal talk

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Two interesting articles today in Danish media.
First one deals with a simple case of graffiti vandalism now takes more than 3 years to go through the first round of the courtsystem, citing a lawyer whos client was charged with vandalism in 2006 and 2007, but is set for trial January 2010. Well done for something as petty as vandalism that carries a 5 year statue of limitation by the way. Article here.
At the same time, the highest prosecutor in the country, Rigsadvokat Jørgen Steen Sørensen has an interview out today stating the fact that harsher sentences for anything never led to a reduction in crime. An interview surely meant as a wake up call to rightwing politicians who in recent years have been eager to raise sentences especially after media reports on single cases. Article here.

On a related note, here is a link to a report from yesterdays protest in London against putting graffiti writers in jail. Read all about it at The London Vandal.

Subway Life

Posted: 14. February 2009  Posted By: twik

Website with art project consisting of drawings from an artist that travelled around the world and drew people riding the subway in different metropolis cities. Cool little project called Subway Life, check it out right here