Graffiti Art Magazine #5

Posted: 13. February 2009  Posted By: twik

Nice French publication, Graffiti Art Magazine, is out with their fifth issue, featuring Supakitch and Koralie, more info available at their website here.

Write4Gold 2009 West Europe Qualification in Liverpool!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The funky, and worlds biggest, graffiti competition Write4Gold is coming to Liverpool, UK on May 23rd 2009 where the qualification for West Europe will take place at the free urban HUB festival. Good teams from UK, France and Benelux can sign up at the website, where you can also find info on all the other events planned for 2009. Much more info right here.

Detail shot from the UK representatives RT Crew’s wall at the Write4Gold World Finals 2008

Copenhagen S-train news report

Posted: 12. February 2009  Posted By: twik

Danish mainstream media are quick to report their usual propaganda and lies about graffiti when young writers get caught. Here is a 3 minute news report that just aired tonight, showing loads of painted steel, live buffing and the usual biased interviews with police and DSB workers spreading their propaganda. Click the photo and wait for the pop-up media player window to appear.

We have just been informed that the three writers arrested have been jalied for 14 days and will then be expelled from the country. The damages they have caused are estimated to 5000 euro, which we all know is alot less in reality.

Factum Graffiti Cardboard Chair

Posted:   Posted By: twik

On a lighter note, here is your chance to get a Factum Graffiti Cardboard Chair for your home interior decoration needs. Blank chair, to fold in hard white cardboard and write your graffiti on. Also a perfect gift for the graffiti writer girlfriend.

And if thats not enough to pimp your crib, then get the Factum Cube – London Tube coffeetable.

Drax Flickr

Posted:   Posted By: twik

The UK legend known as Drax not only has a dope Flickr but also has some very words on it in regards to the tragic case of Skeam R.I.P and the upcoming protest on Saturday 14th February on London we reported earlier today here at ILG. Read it here and enjoy his truly worldwide historical flicks from the past two decades.


ILoveGraffiti interview with Revok MSK AWR

Posted:   Posted By: twik

We have a brandnew little interview with Revok MSK AWR up, done exclusively for ILG. Hear his thought on sponsorships, graffiti competitions and his new project The Movement! You can read it all right here!

R.I.P. Skeam

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Skeam from South London recently committed suicide after getting hit with a very heavy jail sentence for painting trains in the UK. You can read the tragic story here and help support the fight for lighter sentences for graffiti by signing this petition if you live in the UK.

Thanks to HurtYouBad for spreading info on this.
Bonus photo:

Click the photo to read the true text written below it – No more lies!

Action Painting – Bringing Art To The Trains

Posted:   Posted By: twik

New upcoming book from the Stylefile publishing company Publikat, titled Action Painting – Bringing Art To The Trains. It will be 216 pages and english text, thats all the info we have at the moment, but we will report back when the book is released. Untill then, enjoy the nice cover!

3 people on Interrail jailed in Copenhagen

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Mainstream Danish media are reporting that 3 young international persons were caught in and around the S-train yard in Frederikssund, north of Copenhagen. Police with dogs were called to the yard around midnight where they caught one person and found 5 completely painted cars inside the yard. Later two more persons were caught in the area, and police suspect that two more got away. The arrested persons are foreign and 20, 21 and 22 years of age, have told police that they are on Interrail. There are no official reports that the arrests are a result of the new security upgrade in the Copenhagen yards imposed by DSB and G4S, but the mainstream media doesnt always tell you the whole story. The news story in Danish about the “vandalising international graffiti gang” here and even more here.

Find Miki!!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Please help if you have seen Miki!
A young Hungarian writer that has been missing for two years now! Please take a few minutes to read about Miki and help spread the info about him and his dissappearance! The international graffiti community must help one of its own missing soldiers in this horrible case… If you have any info or ideas about Miki, please contact
More info about Miki here!
And even more info on Miki here!