Buffing, databases and pigs

Posted: 13. October 2008  Posted By: twik

Suisse news broadcast featuring liveactions, buffing, graffiti databases, vandalsquads and more…

5 x Fresh

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Starting a little graffiti photo series called 5 x Fresh.
First up is Bacon HSA from Toronto, Canada…

Put the pressure on them…

Posted:   Posted By: twik

This might be off topic from graffiti, but its on topic for world media news, check out this amazing video from Killer Mike and Ice Cube called Pressure, full of historic media events and documentation of wrong doings in Amerikkka.

Daily fun

Posted: 12. October 2008  Posted By: twik

The funniest show on TV at the moment has got to be The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Jon and his team turns out one hilarious episode after the other, every night. You can watch it all, nice, free and easy on their website and it comes with the highest recommendation from us here at ILG.

Kool Keith interview

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Fresh little animation/audio interview with cool Keith Haring here.

Thumbs up!

Posted:   Posted By: twik

ILoveGraffiti German side is back in full effect. Check loads of fresh updates here.

Dirty Deeds #8

Posted: 11. October 2008  Posted By: twik

New issue of Dirty Deeds magazine from Australia has just hit the streets downunder. Expect loads of exclusive flicks, jaw-dropping trains and the usual piss-taking, antisocial aussie behaviour… More info here.

NYC Photo Kings

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Photo Kings was a crew in New York City that documented the last years of graffiti on the subway system, around 1987 to 1989. Check out a little interview with Nic One from the crew and see a bunch of his really dope flicks.

Bagdad murals

Posted: 10. October 2008  Posted By: twik

Cool article and photoseries from Bagdad, Iraq about new pro-goverment murals here.

Dare rocks another piece

Posted:   Posted By: twik

Last video we posted here at ILG with Dare painting a piece, turned out to be pretty popular, so he is another one from the Swiss stylemaster.